For anyone interested in talented & gifted issues at Alameda and within PPS

Monday, November 26, 2012

Nominations due TODAY - Nov. 26

TAG Nominations and testing
Reminder - TAG nominations are due November 26th.  Pick up the nomination form (Identification Process Form) in the office or from the TAG Bulletin Board or here (form posted in several languages under "IDPF"). Alameda's TAG testing is scheduled for February. Contact Pam VanDerWolf at with any questions about nominations or testing.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Nomination Deadline & more

TAG Nominations and testing
TAG nominations are due November 26th. It helps staff to nominate your child early as teachers have data and work samples to collect for each of their nominated students. Pick up the nomination form (Identification Process Form) in the office or from the TAG Bulletin Board or here (form posted in several languages under "IDPF"). Alameda's TAG testing is scheduled for February. Contact Pam VanDerWolf at with any questions about nominations or testing.

Many of you have questions about TAG ''lingo" and terms like 'scaffolded instruction.' The PPS TAG page has a ton of resources that can help you understand these terms & how teachers approach TAG within PPS. It can be tricky to navigate the site if you don't know exactly what you're looking for, but this information is useful if you need to discuss curriculum challenge & other issues with teachers & TAG coordinators. Here's a good overview of the differentiation strategies teachers can use (Click on 'Ideas for Highly Capable Learners' on the right).

Please spread the word about the TAG Parent Advisory Council to other parents who are interested in PPS TAG issues. The TAGAC reviews PPS talented & gifted services, represents TAG families from all schools and building types, and makes recommendations. Our first meeting of the school year is Nov. 13, and we would welcome more members (especially representing High School TAG students). We meet six times a year at Rice Elementary near Rose City Park. (Contact me at for more information). Thanks! -Amy