For anyone interested in talented & gifted issues at Alameda and within PPS

Saturday, October 19, 2013

TAG Meeting Materials & Overview

Here are some of the slides and handouts from Wednesday's meeting -

Overview of TAG

TAG terms

Building TAG plan

Questions to ask your child's teacher

Help with Bridges 1 Math Curriculum/Homework

Bridges and students who need challenge problems/extensions

Bridges 2, written for Common Core

TAGAC flyer from Virginia and Amy

Here are the main takeaways - TAG nomination forms, or IDPFs (identification process forms), are due Nov. 15 at the latest (earlier is better - talk to your child's teacher about nomination NOTE - PPS' TAG site gives an IDPF 'deadline' of the 4th Monday of November, but Alameda requires families to get these forms in by 11/15 to allow enough time for teachers to collect work samples - thanks!!).

Mr. Lurie repeatedly stressed that you should feel comfortable approaching your child's teacher if you feel his/her learning needs are not being met, if you feel students are not being challenged, or if you have concerns about homework. That is part of their job and they are trained to differentiate so that students are learning at the proper rate and level. This includes students who have surpassed benchmarks. When you request an individual TAG plan, teachers have 30 days to craft one with your input. Here's that link again.

If you can't resolve the issue with your child's classroom teacher, or you feel your concerns are not being addressed soon enough, he wants to help. Contact him, Ms. Van Der Wolf or Ms. Caton for next steps.

We had lots of good questions about everything from homework extensions to last year's after-school math class to possible Saturday Academy enrichment from the district's new "menu of options" for TAG funds. Under the new system, PPS approves use of the funds and schools must make a plan by Oct. 30. This year, Alameda's TAG funds will mainly go to pay for TAG Coordinator professional development (= teacher training). Mr. Lurie offered to set aside $500 to match our efforts to set up advanced enrichment with additional fundraising/volunteers. It would most likely have to take place during late starts, because we don't have the physical space to do pullouts at this point. Mr. Lurie and Ms. Van Der Wolf have also budgeted some TAG $ so that nominated & TAG-identified students can get scholarships for the Oregon Writing Festival.

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