For anyone interested in talented & gifted issues at Alameda and within PPS

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Alameda TAG meeting and TAG budget

Here's the latest - 

-Alameda's fall TAG meeting is set for next Tues., Oct. 16 at 6:30p. in the cafeteria. We lobbied for a change in time due to the presidential debate, but unfortunately it's too late to change our meeting time.
But please set your DVR and attend if at all possible! It is so important to show PPS that TAG services are a priority. Alameda's TAG Coordinator will walk through examples of classroom differentiation and explain terms like "curriculum compacting," there will be plenty of time for Q&A, and we'll have a discussion on possible late-start classes. Here's an example of how another elementary school is using its TAG budget + group rates to schedule classes. These do not substitute for day-to-day classroom TAG services.

-Did you know there IS an Alameda TAG budget? Many parents do not.
It's modest - roughly $2,000/year a little more than $2,400 a year - but some PPS schools use the funds and/or parent volunteers to schedule additional learning opportunities. Testing is paid for out of a separate budget.
Two parents have negotiated great rates with Saturday Academy and we're working on scheduling some late-start morning enrichment this year.

I recently learned that some 86 percent of the Alameda TAG budget did not get used last school year so it was 'forfeited.' The previous year, 56 percent was unused. Unfortunately, it cannot be carried over to this year. And this year, much of the budget will be earmarked to pay a second TAG coordinator to handle administrative tasks. But the good news is we still have a small sum set aside for student enrichment.

I'm sure we can all think of 100 places to put every $1,  but one thing we can probably agree on is that we should use the budget strategically, transparently and completely. Please come to the meeting, fill out the survey and share your opinion on how the TAG budget should be used - thanks!

- Thanks to the parent who sent me a link to this article from "Gifted Programs: Luxuries or Necessities."  It's good reading if you've ever struggled to explain the need for TAG services.
The fact is that rapid learners often share some distinct needs. Repeating lessons that they have mastered long ago can sap their enthusiasm for school, so a PPS teacher well-versed in TAG teaching techniques uses skills to keep kids engaged at the proper rate and level of learning. This is required under the Oregon TAG Mandate.
Although TAG can be a sensitive and divisive issue, and confidentiality is important, I'm a strong believer that sharing information can help. (What do you think? Feel free to comment below.)

Have a good week and I'll see you next Tues.!

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