For anyone interested in talented & gifted issues at Alameda and within PPS

Friday, October 19, 2012

Powerpoint slides from Fall TAG parent meeting

Here's a recap of Tuesday's very productive meeting. Thanks for attending despite the debate & Yankees game! And I hope this will be useful to those of you who couldn't make it:

33 parents attended. Ms. VanDerWolf walked the group through TAG identification, classroom techniques used in PPS to address rate & level of learning, and district resources.  Click here to see the presentation . This year, Alameda TAG professional development will focus on higher-level questioning in the classroom. Mr. Lurie pointed out that PPS TAG is very different from the 'pull-out' MGM, GATE or other programs many of us may have participated in as kids. TAG addresses students' need for an appropriate rate & level of instruction in the classroom.

After her presentation, 5th grade teacher Kiya Masunaga walked us through some real-classroom examples of the TAG teaching techniques used at Alameda. This was very useful; I hope to have those slides available soon.

OATAG board member Brenda Ray Scott recapped the TAG 101 meeting and shared how Llewellyn School uses the TAG budget to schedule free late-start classes on everything from graphic novels to the 2012 election. Although administrators have final say on the TAG budget, the group shared ideas and a desire to use more of the budget going forward. Alameda & PPS are currently working on this issue. Here is information on the percentage of TAG budgets spent at all PPS schools last fiscal year.

During Q&A, many parents asked for information about the new Bridges math curriculum. Some parents said they find it is richer and more hands-on, but point out that it is still primarily grade level work. The group talked over possibilities for supplementing math (and other) curricula. Parents expressed interest in reviving Challenge Math or adding more math enrichment options. Virginia LaForte has been working with Saturday Academy, which has a new math program. Please contact Virginia if you are interested in helping to set this up.

Mr. Lurie emphasized that it is important to contact your child's teacher, him, or Ms. VanDerWolf if you feel his or her rate/level are not being met in the classroom. Some parents said their experiences in asking for more advanced work have been inconsistent; they don't feel all teachers always have the time for or interest in this. Another parent shared a positive recent experience with crafting an individual TAG plan. Mr. Lurie stressed that parents are always free to request a conference and/or an individual TAG plan to make sure children are learning at an appropriate rate & level. The first point of contact is your child's teacher, and Ms. VanDerWolf and Mr. Lurie can help with the process.

I'll add more detail soon, but wanted to answer some of the many questions I've gotten via email since the meeting! I've added some more links at right -  check out the Amazon TAG book list curated by OATAG. There are books on school, social & emotional issues.

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